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Escape the Maze of Endless Streaming Searches

by | Feb 29, 2024

Pixi+ (Pixi Plus)

Ever feel that finding the perfect movie or show to watch next is like being trapped in a maze – one with more twists and turns than your favorite series? 

Introducing Pixi+, the ultimate streaming genie! Streamers no longer have to feel stuck in the never-ending scrolling and clicking abyss of streaming platforms with endless choices.

Pixi+ provides personalized movie and show recommendations across all of your streaming services, in one place. We’re here to end the agony and help viewers discover content everyone enjoys. Let Pixi+ recommend what to watch solo, with friends and family, or on date night, and watch your all-time favorite movies and shows. No matter where they’re available, from new releases to timeless classics, explore new favorites, just as you would with music on Spotify!

Pixi+ is now crowdfunding on Netcapital, giving you a front-row seat to this new era in entertainment.

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Khalil Doheny

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